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Psychotherapy Services

Anxiety and Stress

People who are suffering with anxiety may have trouble sleeping or eating, find it difficult to concentrate, and often report feeling irritable, tearful and afraid. Anxiety and stress can have a negative impact on ones physical/mental health, work life and relationships. With the latest evidence based therapy, individuals can learn to identify and change the thinking that is the source of the anxiety as well as learn the skills to help manage the intense feeling that arise as confront the daily challenges of life.


Everyone feels sad or blue at times but usually this passes. Depression is when the feelings continue, making it difficult to work and do even the basic daily activities. People who are depressed, often find that they feel tearful, have difficulty sleeping or sleep too much, have hard time completing tasks, trouble concentrating, have changes in appetite or find they do not take pleasure in things that would normally bring joy. This can be a very painful time for the individual and their family. With therapy, one can gain insight, work though feelings and experiences, and learn to make healthy choices that create a sense of well-being.

Couples Counseling

A happy and healthy relationship with your partner/spouse can be the cornerstone to a joyful and fulfilling life. At times, stresses including life transitions, communications styles, families of origin, finances and parenting can all be a source of conflict and distance in a relationship. Couples counseling provides a safe place to explore conflicts and gain understanding, improve problem solving and increase communicate skills. With mutual respect, compassion, understanding and healthy communication couples create a relationship that will flourish.


Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs people face. Raising a child who is failing socially or in school can be both painful and isolating. Parents with a child on the fringe often feel alone, not wanting to let others know that their child is having difficulty. As a result parents do not get the social or emotional support they need to find the resources and opportunities available. With parenting support you can learn to encourage their passions, admire their strength and embrace their individuality so that they experience success and joy

Loss and grief

When you loose someone or something you love, the pain can be overwhelming. It may feel as though the pain will never end and that you will never feel joy or happiness again. Everyone deals with loss and grief differently, and may experience a whole range of emotions including sadness, anger, fear, loneliness, anxiety and confusion. Therapy can provide a same place to work through these emotions gently, and eventually rediscover the joy and pleasure in life again.